
  • Branislav Sančanin Fakultet za menadžment u Sremskim Karlovcima
  • Aleksandra Penjišević Faculty of Management Sremski Karlovci

Ključne reči:

communication, entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational behavior


When establishing a new organizational system and work methods, it is necessary to inform employees about all issues important for its functioning. If there is no such approach, it can easily happen that the employees at the start react with resistance. Two potential models can be applied to solve internal communication problems: a) transparency of information, or b) two-way communication. Information transparency refers to organizations where employees already have a high level of trust in management and its decisions, so that the information they receive is considered relevant and true. On the other hand, a two-way communication process should be applied to build or rebuild trust and connect employees with the organization and management. In this research, the sample was intended for employees in small and medium-sized enterprises in the territory of the Republic of Serbia (n=152). It was found that employees better evaluate the relationship with the direct manager than the understanding of their own problems by the direct manager. Older respondents have a better relationship with their direct managers. Respondents who have a total work experience of 21-30 years rate communication with their direct manager somewhat worse.

Biografije autora

Branislav Sančanin, Fakultet za menadžment u Sremskim Karlovcima

vice dean

Assistant Professor

Aleksandra Penjišević, Faculty of Management Sremski Karlovci

Associate Professor

ORCID: 000-0002-0898-6818



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