
  • Miroslava Mihajlov Carevic Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd
  • Nataša Milojević Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd
  • Sead Rešić Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Tuzla

Ključne reči:

visual-logical approach, perception of laws, figurative numbers


The XXI century has brought the growing use of information and communication technologies in many spheres of human life.  In the learning process, students are increasingly focused on the use of modern technologies. Exploring the quality of maths teaching in primary school, we found students' knowledge of using modern technologies but also the lack of visual-logical approach in solving mathematical problems. In this paper, we show how the establishment of figurative numbers and selected examples that demonstrate the observation of legality, can direct students to a visual-logical approach to solving tasks with sets of numbers. We organized a three-hour exercise in experimental and control group, during which the experimental group was working with figurative numbers and the control group with selected examples. On the pre-test both groups showed a low degree of ability to observe legality among the numbers. On the post-test, both groups achieved progress compared to the pre-test, although the experimental group achieved greater progress.


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