Ključne reči:
wastewater, galvanic water treatment, galvanochemical protectionApstrakt
The technological process of galvanochemical protection, according to qualitatively-quantitative characteristics, represents one of the most complex contaminants in wastewater. A large number of contaminants (metal ions, cyanides, acids, bases, grease and oils, organic solvents, surfactants, phosphates, etc.), found in galvanic wastewater are treated through conventional methods (chemical oxidation and reduction, neutralization, sedimentation, coagulation and flocculation). The reason why galvanic wastewater treatment systems in the Republic of Serbia are conventional is of economic nature.
The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the performance of Sewage Treatment Plant located at Aleksinac, Company of „Frad" district which is based on Sequential Batch Reactor process. Performance of this plant is an essential parameter to be monitored as the treated effluent is discharged into the Moravica River. The Performance Evaluation will also help for the better understanding of design and operating difficulties (aeration, blowers, etc.) in Sewage Treatment Plant.
Research goal : The efficiency of sewage treatment plants can be illustrated by a study on the evaluation of pollutant levels of the influent and the effluent at the treatment plant of sewage treatment plants discharging into the environmentReference
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